Growing leaders in their respective communities
The Cass Technical High School Golf Team provides student-athletes with a rich co-curricular program that encourages our students to grow as individuals and leaders in their respective communities by experiencing the importance of being part of a team.
We are Cass Tech #1 Second to None!!!
The Cass Technical High School Golf Team provides student-athletes with a rich co-curricular program that encourages our students to grow as individuals and leaders in their respective communities by experiencing the importance of being part of a team.

The Cass Technical High School Golf Team fosters commitment to academics, loyalty to teamwork, self-esteem, leadership, and good sportsmanship.

The Cass Technical High School Golf Team provides student-athletes with a rich co-curricular program that encourages our students to grow as individuals and leaders in their respective communities by experiencing the importance of being part of a team.  This is an emerging program that had great success this past year by having one of our female players quality for the State Golf Championship. We are actively recruiting male and female students within our DPS system to learn the sport of golf.

In our maiden season, 2020-2021, we had 4 of our Ladies Technicians participate in regionals with one making it to the state tournament. 

Evidence of Need

The Cass Technical High School Golf Team is solely depended upon funding from the following: sponsorships, grants, donations, and fundraising. Hosting golf matches with other schools; weekly practice at driving ranges; practice games at various golf course; the use of professional goal coaching and equipment needed is all a part of the programs commitment and is funded from any monies which we obtain.

Who will Benefit

Students at Cass Technical High School, girls’, and boys’, that are enrolled in our golf program, whether on Varsity and Junior Varsity will benefit from receiving donated grants. This will help support up to fifty student’s total and staff members.

Will You Help Us Reach Our Goals?

Your generosity will allow our team to develop and grow into outstanding young ladies with a passion appreciation and respect for the sport of golf.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcome is for our young golfers to improve in academics, loyalty to teamwork, self-esteem, leadership, and good sportsmanship. Our goal for this program to produce as many of our athletes to compete in city, district, and state champions. However, our definitive goal is to produce players who can be recipients of college scholarships and compete at the collegiate level in the game of golf.

Staff Needs

Our current golf coaches are volunteers. As we continue to develop a secure funding source, the program’s goal is to give stipends to our dedicated coaches and provide additional professional golf sessions to our students which will enhance their game of golf.
We are Cass Tech #1 Second to None!!!